Marcopolo app
Marcopolo app

  1. Marcopolo app update#
  2. Marcopolo app free#

We created a channel for talking to my nephew who is in the Air Force across the country and he really appreciates the opportunity to hear our words of support and encouragement. We all treasure this app more than you can imagine. But with Marco Polo we talk several times a day and now feel so much more connected and closer than ever! It's as if we were living near one another and having coffee daily. And we're all busy so even talking on the phone regularly is a challenge. My three siblings are all over the country so we don't see each other often. But the core of what people love about Marco Polo - including unlimited ability to chat, an unlimited number of contacts, and the unlimited ability to create groups - remains free. That includes moving some of our extra perks to Plus. We're sorry you feel that way! We want Marco Polo to be ad-free and around forever and because we refuse to sell your privacy and personal data, we’ve made some tough decisions to make our business a sustainable one. or will at least ask you to undo this and make a Marco Pollo2, for subscription with ADDED features worth the subscription being charged. My five star views have now changed to one as a result, and hopefully, if you allow this review to be publicly visible, other users or former users will ask you the same question as in my title.

Marcopolo app free#

It’s not that the APP isn’t worth any monetary value to have but it’s wrong for how you’ve taken away what was given as free features, to now dangle to have them through subscription only. I think it was of the worst and unethical thing to decide to do, than to just sit down and think up additional features that would warrant a subscription to this magnitudes! Your subscription charge is as much as it would be for providing some kind of private phone number or something! It is infuriating. There’s little to match the need for or the greed for the ol’ mighty dollar but for whatever the reason for taking away the features. but if anyone cares or is listening, I refuse to believe and cannot possibly believe that I would be the first to complain about the new subscription required to access the features that we had before and are no longer present. Perhaps it is because the current reviews are too poor and/or too poignant or pointless, I don’t know. Why Aren’t There Any Visible Current Reviews Could you reach out to our support team at so we can get some more information? We'd like to investigate what could have happened. Hi there, we're sorry to know about your experience. And it even deleted my contacts! So I had to add all of my contacts back on, then for some reason, it made me invite someone or else it wouldn’t let me continue the sign in process. But when I downloaded it again, it was the same! No seconds, no history of my past polos, nothing. We both agreed that it could have also just been my phone. And so, I deleted the app and tried again. I texted my friend who had Marco Polo way before me and actually introduced me to Marco Polo, said that when she updated it, everything was the same but better. So I looked at the menu area and it was gone. Later that day, I had taught my dog a new trick, and I wanted to put it as one of my seconds. And when I went on there, all of my data had been deleted! And it made me sign in again! So I went through the whole process, which doesn’t take that long, and I finally got to the end.

marcopolo app

So, two days ago, I was trying to go onto it, and it updated! I was like ‘finally!’ So I was excited to see the changes.

marcopolo app

So when all of my friends said they updated the app, I had the old version.

Marcopolo app update#

So, since I’ve gotten Marco Polo, it’s been the best!!! Sure it’s crashed a few times, but hey? Don’t we all? So, on iPhone 10 r’s, you can’t update apps on your own.

Marcopolo app